God wants... me?
We were talking about trials at Bible Study a few nights ago, and someone said something which I had heard before many times, but this time it made me do a double take. They said, “Ultimately, isn’t everything God allows to happen in our life for the purpose of drawing us closer to Him?” As I sat there nodding my agreement, I stopped and thought about what they just said. God wants me to come closer to Him? We always seem to say this with a sigh of resignation whenever we talk about it, “I know God is using this to draw me closer to Him but…” At least that’s usually how I tend to picture it. But stop and think about that for a minute. God wants me to be close to Him? What if the hard times in my day and life are His way of saying, “Come closer… I miss you… I desire you. Talk to me… please... let me speak to your bruised and battered heart.” I wonder if I would look at my trials and inconveniences differently if I saw them this way; if I saw God standing there whispering, “I love you… come to me.” I feel like I’m just repeating what my wiser friends have already communicated in different words… or the same words… but I was just so amazed at the thought I had to write it out to be sure I wasn’t dreaming. God wants me? And not because of who I am… but because that’s how deep his love is. I let out a different sigh now… one of relief… because His heart for me will never change.
Matthew 11:28
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest.”
P.S. What do you think?
Kara, what an appropriate picture! It's a beautiful image. I think I would hear God's whispers in times of trial better if I stopped in the midst of the stress to be still. How can we remind ourselves when we are struggling to rest in His presence, even if only for a few minutes? Practice, practice, practice. . .Wait, do I want to practice trials?
I think your words are right on. What a different way to look at the trials we face. I personally tend to pull away from God as soon as something upsets my flow. But I would be so much more peaceful if I could instead turn to him right away. He always brings me back around, but I could avoid so much hurt and wasted time if I didn't stray in the first place. Great entry! I love reading your thoughts.
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