I LOVE Valentine's Day. Sometimes when I tell people this, they give me a strange look and I feel somewhat like a little girl who just told someone they are going to be a princess when they grow up. "That's nice." I picture them saying while patting her on the head. I'm sure people find it odd that I get so excited about it, because I've never received a "romantic" Valentine in my life. I've never even really had a date. But for some reason, when the month of February comes around and all the decorations and candy and teddy bears start lining the shelves, I still jump up and down inside (and sometimes outside) when I see that Valentine's Day is coming. I told one of my friends once, I think I've figured out part of the reason for this. Valentine's Day is a vivid splash of color in the midst of a long stretch of grey winter that can leave me feeling rather grey myself some days.
This Valentine's Day, I stopped before running ahead with work for the day to take a look outside at the beautiful Valentine God sent. The ground is covered in a blanket of white, sparkling snow, and as the sun peeked over the trees, it made the snow light up with beautiful shades of pink and gold. Under my window there is a bright red cardinal, hopping around looking for food in the snow. As I sat down to this picture, a song came to mind. I hope it adds a splash of color to your soul this Valentine's Day, as it did for me.
"O Worship the King, O glorious above
And gratefully sing His wonderful love;
Our shield and Defender the Ancient of Days,
Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise.
Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail;
In thee do we trust, nor find thee to fail.
Thy mercies how tender how firm to the end,
Our maker, Defender, Redeemer and friend."
Thank you Father that your love never fails, and You are our perfect Valentine. Even though this life is usually not a bed of roses, thank you for the gifts you send every day that touch our heart. May you open our eyes to see them today, and remind us of your unfailing love. Thank You Father, may we learn to love You with all our hearts, souls and minds.
This is a beautiful post, Kara. I, for one, am glad you are like a little girl. You refresh the rest of us.
Kara- What an amazing post! I finally found your blog and I am so glad! How wise you are...to have developed a romance with God! There is nothing better in the world than to be able to stop the spinning around you and see what beautiful gift He is presenting to you. I am ashamed to say that I let the world's spinning around me too often block out His love letters. I found myself driving in a car by myself for the first time in quite awhile and there was nothing but me, God, and some amazing praise & worship music. I became acutely aware of how much I was missing my own love affair with Him.
You are right...I love Valentine's Day too.
You know, it might be the perfect day to get married on for a variety of reasons. :)
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