There are moments in time when the life makes sense; when everything is as it should be. In those moments, it's almost as if we are given a glimpse of Eden, of the way life was meant to be. Those moments fill up my heart, and sometimes tears spill out as a result. The same moments also make my heart ache. It is often simple, yet beautiful moments that I notice it. Forgetting my own voice long enough to hear the harmony of the voices around me in chapel. Coming up over the hill to be surprised by a blazing sunset, making the road in front of me appear to be on fire. Sitting away from the crowd, curled up in a corner on the steps with my eyes closed; the stars, Christmas lights, and the soft music of a guitar keeping me company. Seeing the spark in a child's eyes when I return his enthusiastic greeting. Waking up just a few minutes before my alarm, staying curled up under the warm covers in bed just a little bit longer to talk with God. Enjoying a baseball game on a warm summer night with my family. Breathing deeply the the invigorating fall air, knowing it means football games, pumpkins, and beautiful leaves. But there is something that surpasses all of these things. That is watching God speak truth to the people in your life. There is no greater pleasure in life than having a front row seat as He unveils His image in each person, displaying it uniquely through their gifts, talents, and passions. The more I see what happens in my life as God speaks truth to my heart, the more I desire the same for those around me... and the more unworthy I feel to be the bearer of that truth. And then I realized something. I can't change a person's heart. As much as I would like to, I can't "fix" anyone's problem by giving them a good "Christian" answer or formula and patting them on the back with a smile. God has to make Himself real to that person in His own time, in His own way. Only He knows the best way to meet them where they are, the best way to set them free by speaking His truth to their heart.
This week (and this month) I have been overwhelmed by life on several different occasions. My "whelms" this week had to do with homework, missing cameras, deadlines, tests, and lack of sleep. But over and above all these things, I would have to say my biggest "whelm" on a continual basis is relationships. How to correctly pursue, maintain, and develop relationships is a continual challenge for me. In the face of the very real issues people in my life are struggling with, most of the time I find myself lost for words. But I'm beginning to think that's a good thing, because it forces me to point them to the One Who is never lost for words. "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears..." John 16:13. His words are the only ones that can set a person free. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32).
As I sat soaking in the beautiful music tonight, the words of another song came to mind:
There is none like you
No one else can touch my heart like you do
I could search for all eternity long and find,
There is none like You.
Most days I still feel inadequate, I still wish I had something more to offer the people I love. But I am more convinced every day that what I need to be offering them is less words and more ears. Less intellect and more heart. Less of my own babbling, more of God's truth and how it is slowly transforming me... one day at a time.
Thank you Lord that You put us together, and You know How to speak to us like no one else can. Thank you for simple moments that give us small glimpses of the way things are meant to be, the way I imagine they will be in heaven. Thank You for using these moments to speak truth to us as well, even sometimes without words. Thank you that You did not leave us alone to struggle here, but You became one of us, entering into our frustrations and pain as a human. Thank you that You came to set us free. For myself and for my friends, I ask that You would help us to see the truth. The truth about who we are, but more importantly who You are, and what that means for each day. May You speak truth to us about our specific struggles and burdens, and help our hearts to be receptive. Lord if You can use my mouth, my hands, my ears to help someone understand Your truth on a greater level, do so. Help me not to get in the way of Your work in another's life in any way. May I be open to Your truth as you choose to show it to me, however You choose to show me. Help me to see it as something beautiful that sets me free, not something to run from. Thank you for the amazing gift of Your Spirit, who is here to "guide us into all truth."
It's been such a pleasure for me to have a front row seat to watch God grow YOU up! What a neat opportunity you're in right now for an accelerated growing season-challenging and encouraging classes, chapels, and retreats, and many chances to put what you're learning into practice. And yes, being a sensitive being of the female gender, God will probably have your undivided attention most often when it comes to your relationships. But then, there will be lots of other opportunities for growth in resting in Him no matter what the circumstances...or grades...or unmet expectations or yearnings...or any of a thousand other creative ways our Creator has of making sure we see our need for Him. The joy comes in keeping our focus on HIM...NOT the circumstances. But you know that, and that's a part of why it's such a delight to watch you become the beautiful being He wants you to be.
You know I love you, and you remain in my prayers. Aunt Cindy
I'm sitting here with my favorite purple mug soaking in your thoughts. I, too, thank God you feel a sense of inadequacy. What better way to learn dependence on our Almighty? I've gotta say, though, don't put too much pressure on yourself, Kara. There is no "correct" way to do relationships. As you said, there are no magic words, only a mystical, powerful, amazing God.
I miss you, friend. Hang in there.
Love you,
Hey Kara, I'm so amazed at how mature you are in your thoughts, and your walk with God. If only my thoughts were so profound. But I so enjoy reading your blogs. You are an inspiration to alot of people. In your quietness you are mirroring Jesus as he listened to his people. Than he took time to answer them in his actions and his words. But mostly thru, his most precious Love. Forgive the spelling.
Each time I talk to you I see the light shining thru you that only God can put there. And I'm honored that you take time to talk to me. God Bless You Kara.
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