He Knows My Name
Yes you can all groan and roll your eyes. As you can see from the title, I'm going to tell you something you probably already know. But I thought we should celebrate anyway. :) It's worth it. Stay with me here...
Today I was at work and I got a phone-call. We get a lot of phone-calls at the radio station. (That's because we know everything of course... *cough**cough*) :) Anyway... normally these phone calls start out something like, "Can you tell me?" and from there it gets tricky. They ask things like, "How much rain did we get today? What channel is the football game on? What channel is the Nascar Race on? Where is Joe Bob in the point standings? Is it going to frost tonight? When is it safe to uncover my rose bush? What's the score in the football game? How many yards did that quarterback get?" Sometimes we know the answer... sometimes we don't. Some days I enjoy answering the phone... other days I don't. :) Some days... like game day... I'm just grateful for some human contact.
It was game day today. :)
"Good afternoon KWBE."
There was a brief silence and then the a voice on the other end said, "Hello Kara how are you today?"
"I'm good," I replied without thinking.
"This is..."
The rest of the conversation was about a funeral calender we received over the fax machine. Interrestingly enough, now that I think about it, the conversation was all about the person's name. After I hung up, I tried to figure out why I was feeling like I got a boost after a conversation about a funeral callender. (I always knew I was weird.) But then it finally occurred to me. He knew my name. I don't even know who he is, I don't think I've ever spoken to him before... but he knew my name.
Do you ever feel invisible? Like "that one girl... or that one guy... you know the one that sits in the back? No not that one... the one next to her." Do you ever want to stand on a table and say, "Does anybody see me?" Okay, are you ready? Now comes the exiting part... even if everybody else in the world overlooks you, the answer is still YES!
"But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,"
Isaiah 43:1 "...Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine."
John 10:3 "He calls his own sheep by name..."
And the most exciting thing of all... I know that my name is written in the book of life because God has offered me His Son's name, and you can't get a better offer than that! "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12
Isn't that exciting! It doesn't get much better than that friends! Feel like celebrating now?
Thank you Lord that You know my name, and you know every detail of my personality, you know every quirk, both fun and annoying... and for some reason You still love me. Thank you that You offered me Your name, so that I could be rescued from my sin and have a relationship with You. Thank you for reminding me Lord. Please keep reminding me. You know my name, and I now bear your name. Wow... what an amazing thought.
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that is an amazing thing. you are not the only one that gets excited when people notice you!!! who doesnt want to be noticed every once in awhile. oh yea i totally notice you because (****HUGE HAND GESTURE****) hee hee. but hello also red heads gotta stick together! for sure!
We all like to be known. Why else to we let others look into our heads in our blogs?! How can we make other people feel known?
To be known by all is to be treasured don't you think.
I loved you post and feel honoured to know you and those things that make you known to all who care about you dear.
i totally see where erica is coming from! lol who doesnt like to be noticed, i'm just always hoping that when i get noticed its in a good way! you glow i definetly remember the first time i met u! haha great blog!
Sometimes when I feel insignificant (which can be more often than I would like to admit) and I think that I am alone, I remember that the Lord of the Universe knows me. He doesn't just know about me secondhand; he knows me personally and he loves me. It is an amazing encouragement to think about we did nothing to deserve God's favor yet he seeks us out for a relationship with him.
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