My Heavenly Father,
Is this what heaven is like? It’s raining and I’m driving home from work. I notice the sun is going down, casting a beautiful golden glow over everything… but I catch my breath when I pull up to the stoplight and see the street. The rain makes the plain concrete surface shimmer, and it looks as if you’ve painted it the color of heaven. My window is open, and I let the rain fall one me as I drink it all in. I drive on, moving onto the highway. Behind the rows of corn, I can see the sun, retreating for the night, veiled thinly by a few satin clouds and rain. Everything is bathed in this beautiful, rich golden light. I’ve never seen anything like it. It takes my breath away, and I want to sit and stare at it for hours. As I pull in my driveway, reluctant for this sight to end, on the other side of me there’s a full rainbow painted across the dark blue sky. And on my radio I hear the words… “I can only Imagine what it will be like, when I walk by your side. I can only imagine, what my eyes will see when your face is before me. I can only imagine.” This is truly how I felt at that moment. Lord, if the sun which you created can make this world look so beautiful, then what will it be like when, “Surrounded by your glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus, or in awe of you be still? Will I stand in your presence, or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing hallelujah? Will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine… I can only imagine.” Thanks for the kiss God. Help me to keep imagining… keep remembering what You’ve done and who You are… keep rejoicing… and quit whining.
Thanks for all the great pictures in your posts. This one in particular really adds to your words. I got a sense of "aaah" before I even read a thing. And then when I read it I thought, "Bring it on, Lord."
You and God have some great conversations!
What a great shot! I love the picture and what a great narrative to go with it. Imagining what it might be like to be with God really does make a person long for the day. I'll try to stop my whining as well! Thanks for sharing with us!
Cool photo! It's cool how you share your intimacy with God in your posts.
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