Diving In

Thoughts about Life and God... and everything in between

Location: Beatrice, Nebraska, United States

Love to write, love music, love peole... just trying to figure out what direction God wants me to go one day at a time.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Things that make me go hmmm...

I found myself surfing blogs today, searching for answers. I didn't realize how much I
was searching until I realized I was looking through one particular bloggers archives, wondering, "Did she write anything about..." I did find some very helpful things, but I finally had to sign off. I couldn't find what I was looking for. Next to me sat my Bible. Hmm... I guess I haven't read that yet today. Do you suppose? Maybe the answers are in there. So I started reading.
Verses like 1 Peter 24-25 and Psalm 19:7-8 give me great hope about my
ultimate source for the ultimate answers.
"All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the
the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord
"The Law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the
LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the LORD
are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes."
I recognize and appreciate this amazing source of answers, but I have to
say... I still have questions sometimes. I don't think that's always a bad
thing. I think questions make you more aware of what's going on around
you. I think questions keep your eyes open as you search for the
answers. Here's a few that have been bugging me lately, which I don't
have the answers to yet. Credit must go to my good friend Jilian
for the idea of putting questions on my blog. (Because I most definitely
don't have all the answers.) I want to know what you think about some of this stuff. Do you have some clues as to what God has to say about some of it that I might be missing? Just like it's good to have people read things we write to catch typos we miss, I think it's good to have people help clue you in on things you might miss about God's Word. So here goes friends. Here are my questions... I want to know what you think.

1. How do I go about loving the Lord my God with all my heart,
all my soul, and all my mind? (Or is it might?) I know
the churchy answers... what does this look like on a moment by moment
basis? How do I know if I am doing this?

2. How do I become more "real" around people? I steel feel kind
of fake some days. How do I become more authentic, make my
relationship with God more a part of every moment, every day so that
it's just natural?

3. How do I talk to people about what's going on in my life, what's
frustrating, or what's hard without falling into the trap of

4. How do I learn to deal and respond to the trials and pressures of
life in a graceful way?

I suppose many of those are similar in nature. Nevertheless, that's what's on my mind. Now it's your turn. What do you think???


Blogger erica lynn said...

1.Well God is your best friend(but more than a best friend)God has a special connection with each of His children. He loves us all no matter what. What he needs from us is the same kind of trust and love He provides for us. He watches and listens to every move we make. If before we act or think we first think of God and how He wants us to act, then i think that is showing Him that kind of love. We must trust him, he has a great track record with us, He will not let us down. He could never just not be there for us.

2.Trusting in God and making Him the main part of your life will help Him to be a more natural part, rather than forced. I think praying to Him and asking Him to help you reveal your true self to others is a great way to go about it. Trust in Him and everything will always work out.

3.There is quite the fine line between complaining and showing people your frustration. If it is putting someone else in a bad light, I usually put that into the complaining category, because it is not neccesary. But it in unhealthy to keep your anger and frustration all locked up inside.

4.I guess i go the route of WWJD. I mean i am not perfect by any means as many can say. But when it all comes down to it, I think that is a pretty good answer.

11:52 AM  
Blogger Tami said...

Though I get frustrated having so many questions myself, I know those same questions make me rely on God. Since I can't figure them out, I am forced to trust Him--always a good thing. I think the answer to all your questions is trust in God and practice, practice, practice.

1:28 PM  

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