One of my coworkers recently had corrective eye surgery done. I saw him walking out of work one day with a large eye-patch on and thought, “Woa! This news reporting stuff is dangerous.” Then I remembered hearing something about corrective eye surgery, and I felt a little less sorry for him. I overheard him relating the success of the operation, despite the need for a few stitches. He said he now had nearly 20/20 vision. I guess it was worth the eye patch.
Do you ever feel the need for eye surgery? I don’t know about you but recently, my vision seems to be a bit foggy. Last night before I crashed in bed… I told God I felt the need for some spiritual eye surgery. Life can be overwhelming sometimes… and I’m not even out into the ‘real world’ yet. Some days… lots of things seem to get stuck in my sights and soon I end up walking around bumping into things with my hands outstretched because I can’t see! You know the kinds of things I’m talking about. The cats are fighting, people are cat-fighting. The dishwasher has flooded the kitchen… and your brain is flooded with the deadline for your speech, how to find the answer to that hideous math problem, bills, and the endless catalog (not list) of to do’s. By the end of some days, my eyes are so full of junk… I’ve forgotten who God is and what He’s said. I’ve forgotten how to say thanks for the gifts He gives. Quick, hand me the eye-drops!
God, can you give me a new pair of eyes in the morning? Can you open them up and make me see that You are at work in a million tiny details of my day?
This was my prayer before I went to sleep. When I woke up this morning… it was to the sound of rain. Beautiful, glorious, refreshing rain… and not just a sprinkle or two. Is there anything like the sight and smell of rain in the middle of a drought? It’s so soothing. With every drop it seems to whisper, “It’s going to be okay.” As sat at my desk and watched the drops coat everything with a shiny, wet glaze, I remembered my prayer… and these words came to my mind, “Behold, I make all things new.” (Rev. 21:5). These words gave me such hope… for two reasons.
One, I know that one day God will take his kids home. Once we’re there… no more tears, no more frustration… no more sin. Everything will be made new… and it will stay that way forever.
Two, we don’t have to wait for heaven to get a taste of it. 2 Corinthians 4:16 “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” Wow! He’s already making us new! Cool!
So about that eye-surgery… it looks like God’s already on it. Only He’s not just renewing my eyes… He’s renewing all of me. 1 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
One more thought about our new pair of eyes…
1 Corinthians 4:18 “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
Thank you Lord that you are in the business of making us new. You don’t leave us wandering around blindly to figure things out by ourselves… even though we may feel like it sometimes. You give us Your incredible Word, Your Spirit, and amazing people to guide us and encourage us when we’re walking blind. Open our eyes to see You at work today Lord. Expand our vision and help us keep things in perspective… to keep You at the front of our perspective.