Diving In

Thoughts about Life and God... and everything in between

Location: Beatrice, Nebraska, United States

Love to write, love music, love peole... just trying to figure out what direction God wants me to go one day at a time.

Friday, July 21, 2006

New Eyes!

One of my coworkers recently had corrective eye surgery done. I saw him walking out of work one day with a large eye-patch on and thought, “Woa! This news reporting stuff is dangerous.” Then I remembered hearing something about corrective eye surgery, and I felt a little less sorry for him. I overheard him relating the success of the operation, despite the need for a few stitches. He said he now had nearly 20/20 vision. I guess it was worth the eye patch.

Do you ever feel the need for eye surgery? I don’t know about you but recently, my vision seems to be a bit foggy. Last night before I crashed in bed… I told God I felt the need for some spiritual eye surgery. Life can be overwhelming sometimes… and I’m not even out into the ‘real world’ yet. Some days… lots of things seem to get stuck in my sights and soon I end up walking around bumping into things with my hands outstretched because I can’t see! You know the kinds of things I’m talking about. The cats are fighting, people are cat-fighting. The dishwasher has flooded the kitchen… and your brain is flooded with the deadline for your speech, how to find the answer to that hideous math problem, bills, and the endless catalog (not list) of to do’s. By the end of some days, my eyes are so full of junk… I’ve forgotten who God is and what He’s said. I’ve forgotten how to say thanks for the gifts He gives. Quick, hand me the eye-drops!

God, can you give me a new pair of eyes in the morning? Can you open them up and make me see that You are at work in a million tiny details of my day?

This was my prayer before I went to sleep. When I woke up this morning… it was to the sound of rain. Beautiful, glorious, refreshing rain… and not just a sprinkle or two. Is there anything like the sight and smell of rain in the middle of a drought? It’s so soothing. With every drop it seems to whisper, “It’s going to be okay.” As sat at my desk and watched the drops coat everything with a shiny, wet glaze, I remembered my prayer… and these words came to my mind, “Behold, I make all things new.” (Rev. 21:5). These words gave me such hope… for two reasons.

One, I know that one day God will take his kids home. Once we’re there… no more tears, no more frustration… no more sin. Everything will be made new… and it will stay that way forever.

Two, we don’t have to wait for heaven to get a taste of it. 2 Corinthians 4:16 “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” Wow! He’s already making us new! Cool!

So about that eye-surgery… it looks like God’s already on it. Only He’s not just renewing my eyes… He’s renewing all of me. 1 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”

One more thought about our new pair of eyes…
1 Corinthians 4:18 “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

Thank you Lord that you are in the business of making us new. You don’t leave us wandering around blindly to figure things out by ourselves… even though we may feel like it sometimes. You give us Your incredible Word, Your Spirit, and amazing people to guide us and encourage us when we’re walking blind. Open our eyes to see You at work today Lord. Expand our vision and help us keep things in perspective… to keep You at the front of our perspective.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Diving In...

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes... for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, 'BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH." Romans 1:16-17

I saw it coming... and my heart beat a little faster. The conversation turned the right direction. This is it... here we go. I'm going to have a chance to share with this person. I'm gonna have a chance to offer them a glimpse of the ultimate solution to life's ultimate problem, sin. They finished talking... and my once coherant thoughts suddenly came to a screeching halt. I waited, but nothing came. I was just nodding and smiling, thinking, "What's going on here... I have no idea what to say!" Soon the conversation ended, but only formally. It continued in my head as I tried to think of what I should have said. Did I miss it? Was that my opportunity flying out the window? It bothered me the rest of the night. I tried to direct my thoughts out of the mud, "Alright God. I need your help here. I obviously can't do this on my own. Give me the words, give me the opportunity... help me say what you want me to say." The opportunity did come again... I could see it coming from around the corner this time. Speeding towards me like an angry mac truck, ready to eat me up. This time I managed to drop a few things in the conversation here and there, although I still felt completely inadequate in what I said. I so wished I was Martin Luther, Winston Churchill, my pastor, my dad... anybody else at that point so I could think of just the right question to ask them, and say just the right thing. But God didn't ask them to do it for me. He put me in that place at that time, and He wants me to step out in obedience to Him, no matter how unqualified I feel. Whenever opportunities like this come up, I'm reminded of a song by Stevin Curtis Chapman, "Diving In" Aha! You've caught me. I didn't make it up myself. :)

There's a part of the song that goes something like this, "But we will never know the awesome power of the grace of God, until we let ourselves get swept away into this holy flood. So if you'll take my hand, we'll close our eyes and count to three... and take the leap of faith. Come on let's go! I'm diving in, I'm going deep... I wanna be caught in the rush, lost in the flow... the river's deep, the river's wide... so sink or swim I'm diving in!"

I often feel that just before I choose to tell somebody about what God has done in my life, or about His plan for making people right with Him. Sometimes I hold my breath and say, "Well God... here goes," and other times I cling to my floaties and sit on the dock, staring at the water unable to think of anything but how unpredictable those waves look. Sadly, I've found myself in the latter place much more often than the former. How many times have I regretted jumping in? None. How many times have I regretted not jumping in? More than I can count.

I learned a couple of things from this experience... which has been on my mind ever since it happened.

1. It all starts and ends with God. He's the reason I have something to share, and He's the One who can take His words and put them in the mouth of a foolish and weak person like me and use them to open the eyes of the people I care about. Ultimately, He's the One who must open their eyes... not me. He is able. 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 "For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." This gives me great encouragement to dive in when the opportunity comes. He doesn't call me to be perfect... He calls me to be faithful... to take a step and share the best I can.

2. I have a responsibility as well. 2 Timothy 2:15 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." Honestly... I don't feel like a workman who need not be ashamed right now. I feel like I have been a slacker in this department... and I have a lot to learn. Frankly, the task seems rather daunting at the moment, and I'm not quite sure where to start. I love to sit down and read God's Word, but I get lazy about really diving in... about studying it sometimes. However... this is something that is worth my time, and now that God has brought it to my attention... it seems I have a choice. To dive, or not to dive? Will I ever regret it? Never. 2 Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." Wow! That's amazing. Thoroughly equipped for every good work. That's what I want to be. Guess I better get my scuba gear. You gotta start somewhere...

Lord give me courage to dive into your word... and into people's lives. Give me strength to trust you, so that I can take that step off the dock and dive in. Show me how to study Your truth, how to become a workman who need not be ashamed. Make it my passion everyday to understand and be able to communicate this truth to people, as well as the story of what You have done and what You still do in my life. Lord this is not a one man show. I can't do this without You. You're like my oxygen tank underwater. I need you. Thank you that You are able to make me into the person You want me to be... no matter how far off track I might be. Help me cooperate with You in that process and take the necessary steps on my part... so that I can take advantage of every opportunity You provide.

And now a question for all of you relating to the verse at the top. The opposite of being ashamed is boldness. How do you think we can become more bold? (I say bold keeping in mind 1 Peter 3:15 which says we must share our hope with gentleness and reverence.) Paul prays for boldness in Ephesians and Colossians. (Other translations use the words clearly and fearlessly for boldly.) What do you think about this whole thing?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Can we talk?

You know that saying, "they haven't got a prayer?" Well tonight, that's all I've got. :) You can eavesdrop if you want.

God, I'm a little tired tonight. Physically and emotionally. But I feel a need to talk with you. I don't know exactly what to say, but I know I need to talk to You. Lord I don't deserve to talk to you. I've said and done stupid things today... like many days. I was horrified at some of the things that came out of my mouth and ran through my mind today. I asked for your forgiveness, talked to you about it, and still I'm ashamed. I never have deserved, never can deserve to come before You. But, I know you declared me clean and okay before you the day I put my trust in You to do it, and I know you are still faithful and just to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness, when I bring my dirt to you (see 1 John 1:9). I choose to hang onto that truth Lord, even when I don't feel it. "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus," Romans 8:1. You also ask me to come talk to you Lord, and I thank you for these words you spoke to me this morning from Your Word,
"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." (Hebrews 10:22).

Thank you so much that you care about what's going on in our lives. You ask us to bring it to you so many different places. I just love these reminders of how much you care:
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens." Ps. 68:19
"By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me-- a prayer to the God of my life." Ps. 42:8
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 1:9

How can I doubt when you have given me so many examples? And you even say to me,

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12:6

What an amazing thought God. Thank you for your care and concern.

God I feel so lost some days. One minute I can be praising you, and the next I can be completely irritated by somebody or something and saying or doing something I know wouldn't bring a smile to your face. Can you still use me? Can you salvage something from the messes I make?

"Good and upright is the LORD; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways." Psalm 25:8

That's me God. I need you, I need your guidance. Thank you that you are bigger than my messes.

"Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." Ps. 25:4-5
"Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me." Ps. 31:2-3

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you." Psalm 32:8-9

Thank you Lord. Help me not to be stubborn when you show me the way. Make my heart ready to follow You.

"For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end." Psalm 48:14

What an adventure God. To have you as my guide each day, waiting to see what will come next. What a part you have graciously granted me to play as you work in me to make me, "more than a conqueror" Romans 8:37. Help me to see the challenges that arise each day as an opportunity to watch You take the impossible and make it possible, to take the confusion and make sense, to take the broken and make it whole, and the ugly and make it beautiful. (Including me.) :) I get to be Your partner! Your sidekick. Your ambassador. To love, appreciate and rub shoulders with the unique people you have created, and invite them to "saddle up their horses" and be a part of the most amazing adventure they could possibly imagine... a one-on-one relationship with You. And the best part of all that Lord, is watching you do miracles in the hearts of the people I care about. I haven't seen any water turned to wine yet, but I've seen You do some amazing things in peoples lives, including mine.

Lord, my time here is so short. Help me not to waste it. Make what You want with me. Use this jar of clay to somehow be a picture frame to display Your glory, Your mercy, truth, grace, love, and beauty. "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." 2 Corinthians 4:7

For each person who reads this now, and for all my dear friends I plead for your peace in their hearts tonight. Give them rest from the stresses that fill their day. Give them peace from the anxieties that weigh them down. Fill them with wisdom for each difficult decision they face. Strengthen and protect their hearts from the deceitfulness of sin. Give them the eyes to see the small gifts you send them every day, and fill them with your joy. Fill them with You, fill them to the measure of all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:19).

Thanks for talking Lord. You've done it again. Thanks for the miracle you just did in my heart... unwinding and untangling me, reminding me who I am... and most importantly who You are.

" Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10

Monday, July 03, 2006

Got Courage?

I'm a little slow on the uptake some days... this is one of those days. I read this verse in Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

In this particular chapter... withtin the space of a few verses actually, God repeats the words, "Be strong and courageous," 3 times, even adding "be very courageous" one of those times. The very last words of the chapter, in fact, are, "Only be strong and courageous!"

He must repeat things for people like me... who miss it the first, or second... or third time. When I sat down to read this morning I asked God to show me what I needed to see for today. So after reading four times, "Be strong and courageous..." I still didn't get it. I thought, "That's a nice verse... it's good for me to remember in this decision or that decision." and then I moved on with my day. I didn't get very far however. As many of you know, I'm a people pleaser. When I think someone else is or may be unhappy with me, or when there's conflict... I feel it physically. Yesterday at work someone was upset with me over the phone, and when I hung up I was shaking. (I'm not proud of this... it's something I struggle to give to God everyday, as you know from earlier blogs.) Anyway... I was going about my day, and I started thinking. (Which can be a dangerous thing some days.) I started thinking... then fearing something I needed to talk to my boss about, then another something came up that needed to be taken care of, then another, then another. Pretty soon my stomach was in a knot... stil is a little bit actually. I felt drained and wanted to crawl in a hole instead of doing the things I needed to do. Wait... what was that thing I read this morning?

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Ohhhh... so this is what He was talking about. This thing (or things) that is upsetting me, unsettling my equilibrium is the thing He wants me to bring to Him. This is my opportunity to trust Him, my chance to remember that the LORD my God is with me wherever I go. (Like I say... I'm a little slow to figure these things out sometimes.) But thankfully God protects the simplehearted... "When I was in great need, he saved me. Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you." Psalm 116:6-7

Lord, I confess this is one of the hardest things for me to do... to be strong and courageous. I don't feel strong and courageous Lord, I feel weak and fearful. However, you don't tell me to be strong and courageous because "I can do it" but because You are with me wherever I go. If you are for me, who can be against me? You are my strength and my song, (Ps. 118:14) and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil.4:13). Also, I know that you have not given me a spirit of fear (or timidity) but of power, of love, and of self-discipline. Calm my trembling heart Lord, and let me rest in the fact that I belong to You.

What unsettles your equillibrium? How do you get it settled again?