His Strength Is Perfect
I have a great song in my head today. Kevin sang it yesterday in church. (Awesome job by the way Kevin!) I haven't heard it in so long, and yesterday was absolutely perfect timing. Here's the part that's been spinning over and over on the record player in my head:
His strength is perfect when our strength is gone
He'll carry us, when we can't carry on.
Raised in His power the weak become strong.
His strength is perfect... His strength is perfect.
(I hope I got all the words right... if not Kevin or Tami will let me know right?) :)
Many times when I go to church and hear the wonderful music and the message, I will think about it that day... and it might cross my mind once or twice during the week. (Although I know it should more.) The week kind of swallows me up and by the time I get to Wednesday I have trouble remembering what day it is much less what I learned on Sunday. But I think this is one God is trying to drive home to me.
As you've probably gathered from all my whining, College Algebra is not my favorite subject... and I don't remember ever walking out of a class room feeling like I do after this class... wondering, "Am I going to pass?" For some reason, that is a huge deal to me. It's that dirty word that seems to pop up outof nowhere every time... failure. But what if God is trying to teach me something more than numbers and quadratic equations through this class. (Which is a good possibility.) :) What if He's putting me in the fire? What's the purpose of the crazy weeks where you have a math test you're afraid you might not pass, a speech to make, and extra hours to work? Or how about some real problems... like wondering how that bill will get paid, if your child will ever be well, if your pain will ever be healed... if that friend or coworker will ever see a need for God? What if the sole purpose of those times it to teach us, "Is your strength gone yet? Good... now let me take over." Maybe God has to bring us to that point so we don't just blow by him on cruise control and say, "No it's okay God I've got this one." What if He's really doing us a favor?
As I sat in math class today, trying to understand but feeling like whoever that character is in Charlie Brown who only hears, "Wa wa wa..." when the teacher talks, guess what soundtrack was playing in my head?
His strength is perfect when our strength is gone...
Really? Is your strength really perfect when I'm weakest? Maybe when I finally get out of the way, He can do His job.
Thanks God for pushing the repeat button on my brain. Keep it playing this week Lord. Thank you that life isn't easy, otherwise we might miss experiencing it with You. Help us to remember that when we just want to pull out our hair and scream. Help us to take our tears to You and thank you for the reminder once again... we need You.